Hola a todos! Ya de vuelta en Dresden! Una pena que las vacaciones hayan sido tan cortas. Espero que todos esteis bien y los Reyes no os hayan traido demasiado carbon.
Y ahora, al asunto de hoy. Una organizacion a la que estoy suscrito, de la maxima confianza, me ha mandado el siguiente mensaje. Pinchar el enlace y firmar la peticion es solo un segundo, y ellos se encargaran de verdad de tocar las narices a los congresistas de los USA para que hagan lo que deben hacer. Asi que, por favor, firmad y pasad la bola todo lo que podais. Ahora que los democratas tienen mayoria, hay que presionarlos para que no se acojonen.
Salud y paz para el nuevo anho.
ACTUALIZACION 16-1-07: Gracias a Lee-Sean Huang, ahora podeis leer todo lo de abajo y ciberactuar en consecuencia en castellano simplemente accediendo
aqui. La pagina de
Avaaz.org en castellano es:
Dear friends,
Just when we thought the war in Iraq couldn't get any worse - it has. Last
night, President Bush rejected reality, spurned the American people's
verdict, and announced his new policy: MILITARY ESCALATION IN IRAQ.
The good news is that the newly elected United States Congress can stop
this madness. We're launching an immediate campaign to let the Congress
hear from global voices - placing an ad with the number of signatures to
our petition in "Roll Call", an influential political paper sent to every
member of the US Congress. Click below to visit our new campaign site at
Avaaz.org, see the ad, and sign the petition:
http://www.avaaz.org/en/iraq_campaign_jan_2007/The US-led coalition forces and the Iraqi government are part of the
problem, and sending tens of thousands more American troops will only fan
the flames of this war. But the US Congress can demand a real diplomatic
plan to end the war - if they feel enough pressure to do it.
This new Congress has real power to stop Bush in his tracks. The Democrats
were elected to end the war. If enough people speak up now, they might just
have the guts to do it.
http://www.avaaz.org/en/iraq_campaign_jan_2007/The vast majority of Americans oppose escalation, and opposition is
growing. They need our help before the week is out.
Add your name to the petition. Spread the word to your friends. The Iraq
crisis is a global problem - and it will take global pressure to change its
With hope,
Ricken, Paul, Tom, Rachel, Galit, Lee-Sean and the rest of the Ceasefire
Campaign (now Avaaz.org!) Team.
PS - In an online poll last year, nearly a thousand of you helped choose a
compelling new name for our global campaigning effort -
Avaaz means "voice" or "song" in many Asian languages. The new site is up,
so check it out!